When to use our free valuation service: (tap "+")
If you have a collection and want proof of values, our personalised expert valuations could help to protect you in case of fire, theft or damage.
You aren't sure whether you're ready to sell a cherished collection, but want to understand the value of the estate.
You aren't sure whether there are rare models or variants in a collection and want to check if there's hidden value.
You aren't sure whether a model or group of models has been repainted, touched-up or copied, including boxes.
Trends and values change from year to year - if you're trying to understand recent fluctuations you may want an updated valuation.
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Why do people sell to our experts? (tap "+")
Unlike at auctions, the value of your model is guaranteed. Auctions are risky by nature, as they rely on the right people being in the right place at the right time.
Our experts profit by cataloguing/marketing to our huge email database of over 5000 active collectors who want quality guaranteed, which means they pay best-rates.
eBay take up to 30% of a model's value after fees. Live auctions have to charge VAT and fees on the buyer & seller's end - taking extortionate amounts in some cases.
No being messed about by dodgy buyers, no laborious research and no obligation to sell.
They buy 98% of models online through photographs, and then cover the postage cost for you to carefully pack and send them from anywhere in the world. They also pay upfront, so no worries about whether you'll get paid.
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Dinky Toys: Collectors Club
Order the latest Diecast Price Guide: Ramsay's 2022-2024 'British Diecast Model Toys Catalogue' is now in its 18th Edition covering huge range of collectable diecast models from 1933-1983. RRP £29.99. NEW EDITION: Order now - released on 23 September 2022 and dispatches immediately.
The book of choice for collectors, dealers, auctioneers and investors alike, the guide covers: Dinky Toys (English and French 1933-83), Corgi Toys (1956-83), Lesney Matchbox Toys (1947-83), Tri-ang Spot-on, Budgie Toys, Morestone, Lone Star, Britains Vehicles, Crescent Toys and many others.
This latest edition has been updated by a team of experts, with many sections undergoing complete overhaul; as a result market value prices and listings of new variations that have been uncovered have been amended. With close to 400 pages covering over 3000 models alongside all-colour photographs - collectors and sellers will find this in-depth coverage indispensable.
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